New Hampton Project Week Scuba

The Adventures Begin; New Hampton School Project Week 2019

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Our Huskies are off to explore New Hampshire, New England, the US and countries and cultures overseas for this year’s Project Week. Here’s a glimpse into a few of the projects that we’ve been anxiously looking forward to. Much of Monday was spent traveling to our final destinations, but stay tuned for photos of project week in action throughout the week.

Design and Architecture in London New Hampton School Project Week
This Design Team is headed to London for Project Week to study architecture and design.

Design and Engineering; London, England

How do we use design and engineering to improve our daily lives?

During a week in London, students will learn about some of the world’s foremost architects, product designers, and engineers to learn more about their processes and the technical skills they use to create in their disciplines. Following this experience, students will use a local makerspace to work as a team on a project of their own in response to what they’ve learned. They will use CAD software to create their design and then 3D printers, laser cutters, and tools to build and evaluate their model.

New Hampton Project Week Rincon, Puerto Rico
These Project Week students are headed to Rincon, Puerto Rico to learn about the local environment and connect with the ocean through surfing and snorkeling.

Service Learning through Surf Rider; Rincon, Puerto Rico

How can we learn about conservation and environmental diversity from the people of Rincon Puerto Rico?

Through service learning, with the local Surfrider Foundation chapter, students will learn about how we protect clean water and public health as climate change continues and plastics plague our oceans. Students will be testing water quality, cleaning coral reefs and beaches, and exploring the cultural and environmental diversity that makes Rincon, Puerto Rico special. Students will connect with and appreciate the ocean through surf lessons and snorkeling adventures.

Project Week students in Six Nations Reserve New Hampton School
Project Week students in Six Nation Reserve will travel to Canada and work with elementary students at the Reserve.

Six Nations Reserve; Ontario, Canada

How can we use our time and talents to help underprivileged students at the Six Nations Reserve in Ontario, Canada?

This group of students is excited to volunteer at the I.L. Thomas Elementary School, located on the Six Nations Reserve, near the town of Caledonia, Canada. Students have been learning about the aboriginal history of Canada, as well as customs, traditions, and current events. Each day, students work alongside students at the elementary school helping with reading, learning, and other activities.

Metal Works – Blacksmithing; Auburn, Maine

What practical skills can be obtained through a week-long course in blacksmithing?

These students will spend 5 days at New England Metal Works in Maine taking a privately taught beginners blacksmithing course. The goal of the class is to familiarize students with the tools and techniques employed by the blacksmith. Students will learn the proper use of tools and good habits of metal work. Then they will get to apply their new skills in projects.

Genealogy students learn about DNA at New Hampton School
Project Week Genealogy students spend their first day learning about DNA and understanding the way genes work.

Who Are You? Genealogy; New Hampton, New Hampshire

Who are you and where did you come from?

This group of students is diving into understanding their family and heritage through a variety of tools. Using technology and primary sources, as well as, students are learning about genealogy. They will also visit local experts, including a forensic scientist, to learn how DNA can help solve crimes and connect people with lost family members.

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