Announcement of the New Hampton Academy

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Trustees of the Academy announced the formal opening of New Hampton Academy in an advertisement from July 1821.

The public are informed that the first term in this Seminary for the instruction of young Gentlemen and Ladies, will commence on Monday the 17th of September next, at the new and elegant Building on the town Common, within six rods of the meeting house.

Mr. George Richardson, who graduated at Dartmouth College at the last commencement, and is now Preception of Moore’s School at Hanover, is engaged as Preceptor. Said Richardson is highly recommended by Professor Adams of Dartmouth College, as a man of good moral character and respectable literary acquirements, and has given general satisfaction as a public teacher.

Tuition—$3 per quarter.
Board from $1.00 to $1.33 per week.

William B. Kelly, Nathaniel Norris, Trustees of said Academy
New Hampton, July 19, 1821

An independent, college preparatory school for boarding and day students, grades 9-12 and postgraduate.

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