Jacobson Arena: A New Era for New Hampton Hockey

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With a large lead gift from the GO BEYOND campaign chairman, Dean Jacobson ’68, the vision of an ice hockey arena was realized. The new facility includes a sunken ice surface for improved viewing angles, a heated spectator room, bleachers, spacious varsity locker rooms, and offices for the coaches. With construction costs rising year after year, a repair bill to the previous rink, Lindsay Arena, in excess of $1 million, and an accelerated fundraising effort which pushed the early commitments, the board felt confident in the timing. The rink finished in advance of the 2016-2017 hockey season.

On Friday, November 4, 2016 , New Hampton Trustees, alumni, staff and varsity hockey programs gathered to formally dedicate Jacobson Arena, an exceptional opportunity for the school’s hockey programs. Special guests at the dedication included Trustee Dean Jacobson ’68 who enabled the construction of Jacobson through his generosity and spurred the building project with his entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm. Former Head of School Andrew Menke also joined the dedication and spoke of the growing prominence of New Hampton’s hockey program, and the clear need to give the student-athletes and school the advantage they deserve with a state-of-the-art facility to grow the hockey program.

Two senior hockey team members were honored to speak at the dedication, Cayla Barnes ’17 from Corona California and Max Osborne ’17 from Anchorage Alaska. Cayla noted the time that she and her teammates spend at the rink during hockey season: “I am really looking forward to Jacobson Arena because it will be our new home. A place where we eat, sleep, and breathe hockey. This arena will see big overtime wins and some heartbreaking losses, but the heart of Husky Hockey will electrify this building, making it come to life.”

Director of Athletics, Jamie Arsenault reflected with great enthusiasm, “The vision and execution of Jacobson Arena is an effort of many, and we are thrilled to open this facility. Not only will our Hockey Programs have access to an incredibly sophisticated facility, but we look forward to seeing Husky Nation, our fellow schools and local community members brought together by an exceptional arena in which to celebrate a beloved sport.”

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