Head Reflections: Commitment to Community

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Approaching the four-week mark of classes has allowed us to settle into our routines and begin to establish the personality of this unique school year. New students from all corners of the globe have emerged, some from an understandably anxious shell, and others full of confidence from the get-go, to share their many talents and interests. We see examples of it in the classroom, through musical auditions, on the playing fields, and in moments of engagement during community activities and informal student gatherings.

Returning students have accepted the leadership baton passed to them by members of the Class of 2024, and have been busy shaping our year with their unique qualities. Whether it be through formal leadership roles or students simply embodying our core values of respect and responsibility, they are leading our year in positive and supportive ways.

We recognize the unique nature of this year, with the world watching an unprecedented US Presidential election process, and the added responsibility to provide guidance to our students regarding how they will educate themselves on the issues and the appropriate behaviors we expect as they find their voice on topics that matter to them. Our faculty and student Freedom of Expression task force has developed and shared a series of community values to help us navigate our individual and collective emotions in response to national events, provide everyone with space to feel heard, and reinforce the importance of doing no harm to others in the process.

Over the years the New Hampton School community has embraced the value of annual themes, giving each year an important purpose and signature. At a time when politics and global conflict is polarizing our world Many Voices, One Community has proven to be just the right guidepost for the 2024-2025 year here in Husky Nation. While our year is just beginning, I am energized by the way our students and faculty have demonstrated their commitment to community and each other.

On one hand I am envious of the opportunities for New Hampton School students and the different way young people live today, filled with abundant travel, flexible and remote work environments, and creative career opportunities. At the same time, there is a complexity in our world that our students will inherit that I hope doesn’t become a burden. This is why our mission and purpose are so important as we instill in our students important community values and responsibilities that I am confident they will carry forward.

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