Over the past several days, students returned to campus full of new experiences, thoughtful reflections, laughter, and energy. As campus grows quiet and students and faculty depart for a much needed spring break to refresh and rejuvenate, we’ve pulled together some parting shots from the exceptional 2018 Project Week.

Acting for the Screen
Led by Mr. Jarvis, students in Acting for the Screen wrote, designed, filmed, and edited their own production during project week. The final movie will be shared when students return from break in two weeks at the Project Week Symposium.

Ecology Research
We didn’t hear much from the Ecology Research group in Costa Rica while they were away, as part of their experience abroad was to take a break from technology and focus on their experience. Here, students help to tag sea turtles so that they can be tracked to support conservation efforts.

Media and Journalism
Media and Journalism met with nearby media experts including teams at NHPR and the Concord Monitor. They visited news and recording studios to learn about media plans, press and reporting. As a final project, each of these students will write and put together their own media project whether a written news story, podcast, or video. Pictured above, Kaleb interviews a faculty member for his news piece reviewing the recent movie Black Panther.

Building a Brick Oven
We didn’t get a chance to test our brick oven yet, as it will need to cure for a period of time before it is useable. This group smartly built the brick oven on a trailer, providing mobility around campus for different occasions. These hard working students will definitely have the opportunity to test it out before the school year is over.
Project Week photos are shared on New Hampton School’s Flickr account. There are many photos that help to capture the breadth of experiences shared by students and faculty. In addition, the Project Week blog shares daily reflections from each groups throughout the week. Many thanks to all of our partner organizations and the dedicated faculty that led our trips.