Planned Giving: It’s Simple, Impactful, and It’s For Everyone

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The following article is presented by the Advancement Office at New Hampton School.

One of the best parts of our jobs in the Advancement Office is getting to meet with members of our community. It is wonderful to hear memories of New Hampton School, stories of how this institution has changed lives, and to see the varied paths our alumni have taken since graduating. Even more gratifying, most of the people we meet are looking to give back to the school in some way or are already doing so. However, when we bring up planned giving as a versatile and accessible option, we often get one of three reactions with the common theme that “planned giving is not for me.”

  1. Planned giving is too complex.
  2. I am too young to worry about a will or planned giving.
  3. I don’t have the financial resources to make a difference with a planned gift.


Throughout New Hampton School’s campus, there are notable places and programs that have been made possible by planned gifts.

Keep it simple.

A planned gift can be complex, but it does not need to be. If you’re a person with a family trust, and you would like to set up a plan whereby New Hampton School receives income from the trust and the remaining principal goes to your heirs or other designees—we can do that for you. However, the vast majority of planned gifts are very simple bequests in wills. Many donors name New Hampton School as a beneficiary in their wills. Whether the bequest is for a specific amount or is equal to a percentage of the total estate, it qualifies as a planned gift. (If you would like us to review language in your will that you already have or suggest language for you to review with your attorney, please just let us know.)

Another very simple way to make a planned gift is to name New Hampton School as a full or partial beneficiary of a retirement account or a life insurance policy. Everyone’s situation varies, but some alumni find that life insurance proceeds or retirement account distributions are no longer as needed by them or their families, and could serve as wonderful contributions to an organization like New Hampton School.

Where there is a will…

Unfortunately, many young people—and some not so young people—do not have a will. That’s a mistake! Creating a will allows you to make decisions about your estate, decisions that will very likely impact the people, causes, and institutions that are most important to you. These decisions become increasingly important as we mature, marry, have families, start careers and engage in our busy lives. Without a will, decisions about your estate will be made for you. The bottom line is that you are not too young to have a will.

Our hope here in the Advancement Office is that your experience at New Hampton School was meaningful enough that you are inspired to give back to the school in your will. This does not mean that your will and your estate goals won’t change over time. You can, and should, review your estate plan and your will regularly. We do hope, though, that whatever stage of life you are in, New Hampton School is a constant in your estate plan.

planned giving
Jim Salvucci ’58 shares, “Janice and I hope our gift will further enhance the International Baccalaureate Program so students can learn, firsthand, about cultures and traditions and, develop lasting friendships.”

If I were rich.

Anyone can make a planned gift, and it does make a difference! A planned gift does not have to be millions of dollars—many alumni make modest planned gifts that fit their budgets and family estate planning objectives.

Just think of all the ways in which a planned gift serves you and New Hampton School: It establishes your legacy. It typically reduces tax obligations for you or your heirs. It is celebrated when you let us know you have done it, long before it is realized by the school. In fact, a planned gift made now counts towards the Bicentennial Campaign. Your gift also inspires former roommates, teammates, and classmates to share their gifts as well.

The late George Winlock ’61 (shown here with the late Norma Jean “Jinga” Moore in Meservey Hall) is a  member of the 1821 Society. His donation established through a bequest was celebrated with the Winlock Conference Room.

A simple gift for any age.

Remember, planned giving is easy. Planned giving has tools that be used by alumni of any age. Planned giving options are accessible whatever your financial circumstances. In short, planned giving is for everyone!

If you have questions about your planned giving options with New Hampton School, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Advancement Office at 603-677-3413. We would love to welcome you into the 1821 Society which recognizes all donors who have made a provision in their estate plan for New Hampton School.

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