Written by and shared with permission of Linda Tatar Landau ’72.
Your high school reunion is coming up and you haven’t been back since graduation. You ask yourself, “Can I go back?” Let’s just cut to the chase. Of course, you can always go back. It doesn’t matter how long it has been, or if you were an involved student, or even a top notch student. You are part of something bigger. New Hampton is always there for you. It is family. It is something familiar. There is a comfort to the mountains, the campus, the classrooms, the pond and the quaint town.

I recently attended my 50th reunion. After a couple of years of travel restrictions, this was one of my first big outings. It was amazing. Now to be honest, I have attended a few of my other reunions, maybe 4 of them over the 50 years. This reunion happened to coincide with the Bicentennial Celebration, so it was an extra special weekend. Regardless, the highlight was in being with my old classmates, and yes we are getting old. What makes all of this so special is the new friends I have made that I barely knew when I was at New Hampton School. It is exciting to reconnect and to see how people have changed and grown over the years. The class clown may be the serious one in the crowd now. It really is fun, and something you should make sure you take the opportunity to do. The warmth of being on campus can’t be described. It has been months since the reunion, and I am missing New Hampton.

It helps that it was a reunion, but you can just reconnect without a big reunion. Many classes have social media pages, and mini gatherings. So, take the leap — and remember that you are always welcome at New Hampton School.