10 Albums Recommendations From Director of Music Kyle Masterson

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At one time or another, we have all found ourselves caught in a music rut. Listening to the same songs on repeat again and again. And while everyone is entitled to have favorite songs, there are far too many great albums out there to continuously settle on “Today’s Top 100”. So, if you find yourself in a jam (pun intended), there is no need to worry because we’ve called in our campus expert, Director of Music, Kyle Masterson for some suggestions. 

Meet New Hampton’s Music Man

For the past eight years, Kyle has served as Director of Music at New Hampton School. He is an advocate of popular music education and has established a thriving contemporary music program. He loves to give his students the opportunity to find their ‘voice’, develop as musicians, and gain confidence through exciting, dynamic performance opportunities.  We’ve asked Kyle to provide us with the 5 albums he couldn’t live without. Though, that list of 5 quickly grew to 10.

10 Albums Everyone Should Download

  1. “Ok Computer” by Radiohead
  2. “Extralife” by Darlingside
  3. “Blood on the Tracks” by Bob Dylan
  4. “Yankee Hotel Foxtrot” by Wilco
  5. “Breakdown” by Old and In the Way
  6. “Spirit Trail” by Bruce Hornsby
  7. “Ten” by Pearl Jam
  8. “Rift” by Phish
  9. “Build Me Up from Bones” by Sarah Jarosz
  10. “St. John Passion” (BWV 245) by Johann Sebastian Bach

When asked why he chose these specific albums, he attributed his choices to the personal connection he had to the albums: “I chose those specific albums because they were important soundtracks to different periods of my life.  I have always turned to music, regardless of the circumstance, to celebrate the good times and to reflect on the bad times.  These albums act as little time capsules.  They allow me to access some wonderful memories and shared experiences with friends and family. Oh and of course I needed one Bach in there too.”

Music Consumers and Creators

With multiple music courses, from beginner piano lessons to Contemporary Performance Ensemble, our campus has a strong love of music. In fact, it’s hard to go anywhere on campus without hearing a new song. Each School Meeting starts with music from bands like the Talking Heads to legends like Bruce Springsteen. A home game kick-off wouldn’t be complete without energetic pump up songs. And, at the end of the day, when you walk by the houses, you’ll probably hear the soundtrack of an impromptu dance party coming from an open window. 

Our music program encourages all students, whether enrolled in a music class or not, to find a love of music. And, not only do our students love to find new music, they produce it as well! This fall senior, Julia Pegula released her first song on Spotify “Day by Day”. Be sure to add it to your playlist along with all of Kyle’s recommendations 

Want to learn more about New Hampton’s performing arts programs? Hear what Emily ’19 has to say about her experience as an aspiring musician at New Hampton.

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