AWAKENING will be on exhibit in New Hampton School’s Galletly Gallery from January 24 – March 4, 2022. The public is cordially invited to a reception for the artist on Friday, February 11, 5:30 – 7:00 pm.

A Look Inside the Art
Artist Alma E. Grand delivers exciting prints and bold drawings in her powerful retrospective exhibition. Grand states, “For me, art is an awakening; an awakening to joy, to creative possibility, to tranquility. I work in strong colors with direct connections to my world. I play. I explore. I invent.”
The experimental nature of printmaking, the immediate experience of working with pastels en-Plein-air, and the deliberative exploration into the lives and work of revolutionary contemporary artists are all on display in this collection.
Grand has lived, taught, and created art in Campton, New Hampshire since 1977. Her lifetime love of art has led her to the study of art history, color and design, drawing, oil painting, sculpture, watercolor, and printmaking. Under the direction of Plymouth State University’s Professor of Art, Annette Mitchell, she developed her skills using the multi-plate printmaking process.
In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, she began a study of artists who identify as women, researching their lives and studying their art. They have inspired her to create new work and fully embrace and appreciate her own artistic freedom. “I draw and paint and print a direct translation of my “creative awakenings,” says Grand. “You are witnessing joy as it flows from me into my work.”

See the Exhibit
The exhibit is free and open to the public. The Galletly Gallery is located on the second floor of New Hampton School’s Moore Center. The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to noon. All visitors must be masked, regardless of vaccination status.