It’s the day you’re arriving at school. You know where to go, you know where to park, what your time slot for arrival is, and the registration signs to look for. You’re hyper-focused on getting here at the right time and all the things you need for your room and lockers. You’re also probably wondering if you packed everything like your new favorite Husky hoodie or dress shoes for Convocation, but you know you’ll be able to get some things later. You feel ready. So, what are you forgetting?

Here to help you is a list of commonly forgotten things and helpful reminders for campus arrival in 2024.
1. Bring Your Husky ID
As one of the most commonly forgotten items, know that finding your ID now will save you time and funds. New students will receive their IDs during registration; however, returning students who forget their ID will need to pay a $35 fee for a replacement.

2. Be Picture Ready
Another hugely forgotten part of your day…it is directory photo day! Regardless of whether you have a student ID or not, everyone has their picture taken on arrival day. If you are worried about hair flattened by your hat, don’t come to campus wearing one. Likewise, please be sure to be dressed appropriately (no hats, tube tops, or exposed bra straps), relax, and get ready to smile!
3. Check Your Orientation Weekend Packing List
Every class has a trip during Husky Weekend (also known as orientation), so be sure to review the guidelines for what is recommended for your class. Freshmen in particular should review their list closely for the overnight camping trip.
4. A Formal Dress Outfit
The opening of the academic year begins with Convocation, and formal dress is required, so make sure you come prepared with a wrinkle-free outfit ready to go. There will be additional times when you will need your evening best this fall as well. If you are shipping wardrobe items ahead of you, be sure to ship them with plenty of time for delivery.
5. Meet New People
For returning students, it is an exciting time to reconnect with your friends and classmates. But don’t forget to reach out and be open to new members of your class and community! Welcoming them to all the new experiences in Husky Nation
See you soon, Huskies! We can’t wait to welcome you back to New Hampton School.