Two male high school students doing yardwork with a yellow wheel barrow

Head Reflections: Together Again

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The start of this school year has been far from normal. After two years of disruption and uncertainty, there is a different sense of hope, optimism, and appreciation in the air this fall. Our students and employees have a renewed commitment to relationship building that COVID had hampered and there is a heightened awareness that our community offers something special that we all have a responsibility to care for and benefit from.

Group of high school girls sitting in green adirondack chairs on a red brick patio around a firepit

We have become accustomed to our annual school theme, something that provides each new year with a fresh focus on what matters most, and a common vocabulary that informs our shared work as a community. This year, Together Again, captures the essence of what we are already feeling; the value of relationships, the opportunity to participate with fewer restrictions, and room for students to have fun in all the healthy ways that have been lacking over the last year and a half.

Together Again is not just an internal theme to guide those of us on campus. It also represents our interest and intention to reconnect with families and alumni, on and off-campus, through in-person events, at games, and when travel plans bring us together. Husky Nation is a robust community of over 6000 living alumni and current students. Staying connected, or reconnecting, with this school as alumni and families is something we value greatly as a means for learning how the experiences at New Hampton School have shaped your lives.

As we begin this new year, we are excited by the opportunity it provides for us to serve our students and alumni in new and exciting ways, applying lessons learned through the pandemic, and recognizing how important this community is in the lives of young people. In an increasingly complex world, we are reminded of how important some of the simple things in life are­–good friends, laughter, and play.

We hope you will join us, in some way, during the exciting time of being Together Again.

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An independent, college preparatory school for boarding and day students, grades 9-12 and postgraduate.

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