New Hampton November Spotlights Across Campus

November Spotlights; Clarity, Precision and Creativity

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November Spotlights include artists, athletes, writers, and exceptional demonstrations of character. The Habit of Mind for November was clarity and precision. As such, students worked to build these characteristics in all of their classes. November also showcased the first theatre performance of the year, with experienced and novice thespians. The November Writer of the Month demonstrated impressive skill and creativity, and our November Athletes finished off a strong season, respectively role-modeling leadership and dedication for their teammates.

New Hampton November Student of the Month
Christopher Fridlington received the November Spotlight for the Habit of Mind Clarity and Precision.

Student of the Month

The Habit of Mind for the month of November is Clarity and Precision: The student follows directions, reviews their work, and strives to be clear and precise when completing tasks. The student will incorporate feedback into their work without prompting.

New Hampton School is proud to recognize Christopher Fridlington for his work ethic to be specific and detailed. He is consistently clear and precise in every single, big or little, thing that he does, whether it is in research, writing, planning, documenting, creating, or calibrating a 3D printer. He always incorporates feedback, but not without making sure that he understands it fully, otherwise he will continue to ask questions. He is goal oriented and strives for precision.

New Hampton November Artist of the Month
The Artist of the Month for November is awarded to Jake Schottenfeld for his exceptional work on the fall play, “Clue”.

Artist of the Month

Director of Theatre Joe Sampson recognized the Artist of the Month: The Artist of the Month for November is awarded to Jake Schottenfeld. It is tempting to give a company award for everyone that put in countless hours on stage and backstage. The student cast was patient, good-natured, and fun to work with. If you’ve ever been involved in a play, you can appreciate the amount of work they do. The winner of the award, though, is an individual who learned a staggering amount of lines. He was the glue that held the show together. He conducted himself professionally throughout the process. He made strong choices and took notes well. I took a risk by casting a newcomer in a huge role, and I’m glad I did. The Artist of the Month for November is Wadsworth the butler, Jake Schottenfeld.

New Hampton November Writer of the Month - November-IMG_9346-Edit
The November Spotlight in writing goes to Greg Peterson for his creativity and precision in writing.

Writer of the Month

Chair of the English Department B Cornog recognized the Writer of the Month. When it came time to work on the personal narrative assignment for Mrs. Aronson’s AP English class, Greg Peterson took his peers on a peaceful early morning journey that ended with an amicable battle in which both opponents walked (or swam) away mostly unscathed. Taking care to describe the “crackle of the engine that vibrates across the lake” and the tricks that his dad taught him for reeling in a fish, this student shared his passion for fishing with such attention to detail that his peers and teacher felt like they were in the boat with him. As we read of his “battle” with his worthy opponent, we fell into the same trance he described, seeing the world transform into slow motion as the fish jumped out of water. For his diction, style, and imagery, November’s Writer of the Month is Greg Peterson.

New Hampton Female Athlete of the Month
The Female Athlete of the Month was awarded to a member of the Women’s Varsity Soccer Team.

Female Athlete of the Month

The November Female Athlete of the Month is Liv Dunn, a member of the Women’s Varsity Soccer Team. During the final weeks of her senior soccer season, Liv was the hardest worker on the defense. She hustled back to cover forwards, trapped players in the corners, covered for the center backs, and looked to distribute into the midfield. As a captain, she was always trying to do the best she could for her team. She worked hard to improve in practices and gave a hundred percent effort in every game. For her tenacity, work ethic, and love for the game, the November Athlete of the Month was presented to Liv Dunn.

November Male Athlete of the Month
The Male Athlete of the Month was Awarded to a Member of the Men’s Varsity Soccer Team.

Male Athlete of the Month

The November Male Athlete of the Month is Devon Garrett, a member of the Men’s Varsity Soccer team. Devon was a tremendous asset to the team all year but it was especially evident at the end of the season. He grew significantly as a person and leader over the course of the season and this was clear by the way he took the younger guys under his wing and coached them in a really positive way. He helped these players grow on and off the field. This player’s positive impact on the field was obvious all year long. His movement off the ball and ability to bring other players into the game was a constant weapon for us in attack. On numerous occasions this season he was asked to play out of position in a more defensive role and he rose to the task each time. Coach Griffith says, “I have been impressed with how much he has developed as a player and person this fall, we will truly miss his presence next year.” For his leadership and outstanding performances in November, the Athlete of the Month goes to Devon Garrett.

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