Each year, the Art Department – with the help of friends, community members, faculty and students – organizes a day to celebrate the arts. The annual event has become a much-loved tradition over the years.
We were grateful this Friday for a cool but beautiful, sunny spring day to engage with the arts indoors and out. Arts Day helps us recognize the breadth of artistic opportunity and a range of activities.

Art for Everyone
Following an all-school meeting where students were recognized with art awards in performing art and visual arts, students and faculty dispersed to the art activities they signed up for several days in advance. Arts Day offerings included sessions such as “Intro to Fashion Design”, “Portrait Photography”, “School of Rock”, “Spaghetti Bridge Challenge” and “Tie Dye”.
Each student selected an activity to participate in during a morning and afternoon session. The range of activities reminded all of us that art is inclusive of many forms such as music, architecture, design, and dance. It also allowed students, faculty and several alumni artists to share some of their passions with specific offerings such as knitting, landscape architecture, and photography. Some students choose to design their own flower garden while others recorded their own rap and hip-hop music.

Performing Arts: Opening Night of Legally Blonde, JR.
In the evening, Arts Day 2018 will conclude with a gallery reception of student work in Galletly Gallery. This show will be up through the end of the school year so don’t miss an opportunity to stop by and see some fantastic work.

Friday, May 11 is also the opening night of the musical Legally Blonde JR. Student enjoyed a preview of the show at school meeting and will all attend tonight’s performance. The show will be open to the public Saturday, May 12, at 7:00 pm in McEvoy Theatre.
Pictures from Arts Day and the theatre performance will be shared on the School’s Flickr Account later this weekend

2018 Art Awards
Congratulations to the following students who were recognized with Art Awards at Friday’s School Meeting: