Managing Exam Stress: Mindful Ways to Keep Calm During Assessments

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It is that time of year again! The semester is cooling down and study time is heating up as students prepare for their mid-year exams. For some students, assessments are a challenge to be conquered, and it fuels their competitive side. For others, the dreams of vacation and the extra stress of exams ahead inhibit their ability to think clearly. With the goal of combatting exam stress, here are some activities aimed at helping students to relax and find perspective.


1. Explore Nature

Sometimes, you just need some fresh air to help you think. We are lucky to have ample trails and paths around campus. So, if you have been sitting at your desk all day and feel like you need to stretch your legs, be sure to get outside and take in the scenery.

2. Check Out (Or Make) Some Art

Check out Ms. Mann’s exhibit “tamama’s kitchen” in the Galletly Gallery this month! If you are interested in art and photography, then give your left brain a rest and take a cruise through the gallery. Are you more of a do-er than a viewer? Try your hand at creating some art or playing some music—it’s great way to engage your mind and let go of any worries.


3. Have a Laugh

A good movie can transport you. Try something funny that will lighten the mood and get you laughing. A good laugh can actually decrease stress hormones that are peaking during exams!

4. Take a Power Nap

Taking a quick nap while studying can give your brain the rest it needs to help you refresh your frame of mind. You will be surprised how energizing just 5 minutes can be!


5. Give your parents a call

Your parents would love to hear from you. So, if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, a supportive ear to share those feelings with can be helpful.

6. Stop by the Exam Bake!

The Parents Association has prepared a delightful feast for the eyes and bellies of Huskies across campus! Stop by for a snack and chat with a parent (even if they aren’t your parent!) for a much needed break.

Mid-Year Exam Bake
Wednesday, December 14, 10 am – 2 pm
Crum Campus Center

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