House Heads at New Hampton School offer leadership to other house parents, proctors, and residents. They support programming for residential life, supervision, and guidance, as well as nurturing a sense of community within the house. New Hampton intentionally focuses on a family-like experience within the houses. This is beneficial to all students, but in particular to first-time boarding students. To help parents “meet” our House Heads this year, we’re happy to share these introductions and insights in a blog series.
More answers regarding residential life may be found on our website or by reaching out to the Student Life team members.
Welcome to Rice House
House Head: Jacque Little
Jacque is a faculty member in both the Academic Support Program and the History department. Additionally, she serves as the Assistant JV Field Hockey Coach and is our school’s Service Learning Coordinator.
What is your favorite part of being a House Head?
The privilege of getting to know the girls as people—not athletes, not students, just people living together in the same house. I also love the random breaking out in song, dance, and laughter. It’s not difficult to have fun or at least witness them having fun together on any given day.
What special events or activities take place at your house?
We try to celebrate everyone’s birthday in some way, even if it’s over the summer or winter breaks. We also are very well known for having amazing Proctors who help guide and lead the girls in the house in all areas of life.
Welcome to Moore House
House Head: Jonathan Schwab
Jonathan is currently the Director of Strategic Initiatives at New Hampton School. Additionally, he is a member of the Administrative Team, Program Team, and a teaching faculty member in the History department.
What is your favorite part of being a House Head?
My favorite part about being a house head is helping the student proctors take on meaningful leadership in the house. I empower them to set the culture and help their peers.
What special events or activities take place at your house?
Spoon assassins is a game we play in the winter, and it is always a highlight. We also enjoy the weekly house meetings and spring cookout.
Welcome to Phillips House
House Head: Eric Przepiorka
Eric is the Head of the Mathematics department here at New Hampton School as well as Assistant Athletic Director and House Head of Phillips House.
What is your favorite part of being a House Head?
Being able to get to know and bond with the students in another way. In the house you get to see a different side to students outside of class and athletics, they are more relaxed and I am able to get a sense of who they are as a person… and get to know more about things that interest them. Plus, I have two younger kids–the students in the house are always great with them and my kids love coming down to see them and look up to a lot of them as role models.
What special events or activities take place at your house?
Halloween is usually a fun event in the house where we decorate the house and give out candy to the students as well as faculty kids. The Superbowl has been a big event in the past where we will get pizza, wings and other treats for the house and have a Superbowl party. Usually in the spring we will have a cookout for the house on a weekend just to change things up a bit and let the members of the house decide on some food they would like to have. Then other little activities like a video game competition or movie night when students don’t have class the next day.
Hi, Eric. Breyan McGillicuddy is our grandson and we are thrilled he is at NHS. He says he really likes it and we’re sure this has to do with all the personal interest given to the students. Thank you for all you do and Happy Halloween! Hope some photos of the decorated houses will be posted on the website.