The long-awaited Project Week began on Monday, and students are already deeply involved in researching their essential question. Project Week is a New Hampton School tradition that allows students and faculty time for an extended and vigorous investigation of an essential question. Groups do this through outstanding educational opportunities that are not possible in the standard classroom setting. Students engage in self-directed learning with appropriate adult guidance and they self-reflect about the process, experience and outcomes of their project throughout the week.
Ice-Fishing in the Lakes Region
In the photo above, students learn how to ice-fish on a nearby lake. As the school is located in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire, this group decided to explore our natural habitat in the winter and learn about the incredible resources provided to the environment and the state commerce through our lakes.

Project Flight
Project Flight investigates the mechanics and aerodynamics of flight. This week they will learn how aircraft fly, visit the flight simulator at Pease Air Force Base, and tour several area airports.

Ecology Project in Costa Rica
Mrs. MacLeod and Ms. Moreau recently arrived in Costa Rica with 11 students where the group will collect data and support conservation efforts focused on sea turtles.

Facilities Build Project
Each year a team of students works with the New Hampton School facilities department to enhance our campus. This year students are working alongside our facilities team to rebuild and repair the dugouts on the campus baseball and softball diamonds.

Natural Skin Care Creation
Natural Skin care Creation participants are learning about the ingredients used in many over-the-counter skin care and beauty products. At the same time, they are learning about common household items that can be used in place of commercial personal care products that may be better for their skin and the environment.

Knot Your Ordinary Sailing Trip
Ms. Wilson shared this photo with us yesterday evening. Knot Your Ordinary Sailing Trip students have embarked on a 5-day sail through the U.S. Virgin Islands. They are learning how to live and sail aboard a catamaran under the guidance of a licensed sea captain. In the photo above, after their first day at sea they are sailing towards safe-harbor where they will sleep on their boats overnight.
Projects are regularly sharing snapshots and reflections from their trip through social media and on the Project Week Blog. You can follow along by searching the #nhsprojectweek hashtag, or checking the blog daily. Project Week often features some of the most memorable experiences of our students. We look forward to hearing their stories and sharing more of their adventures you.